While logged into the Admin Console, select 'Admin Menu' from the menu at the top of the screen and then click on 'Set Opening Hours'.
From this screen you can setup your opening hours. Simply select the day from the dropdown box and then select whether you are Open or Closed on that day.
If open, then you need to select a 'Start Time' and a 'Finish Time'. Click on the little clock to the right of the input field and enter your times by selecting the hour, minutes and AM / PM.
Don't forget to select AM or PM or you may find orders coming in at funny times !!!
It's important to have something setup for each day, even if you are closed. In this case, simply select the day, and 'We're Closed' and add it to the database.
It is not currently possible to have multiple shifts in a day. Be careful that each day has only one shift. It is also currently only possible to have a single menu.